HSP- The Health and Safety Plan
What is the HSP- the Health and Safety Plan- and when it is required?
The Health and Safety Plan (HSP) is a special study on the health and safety matters of construction worksites. It includes the measures to be taken in the specific project, as well as any other prerequisite to be applied at the worksite, to improve working conditions and to avoid work accidents and occupational diseases.
The HSP is foreseen in the case of technical projects, where:
a. the appointment of a coordinator for safety and health matters during the project’s design is necessary [par. 1, Art. 3, PD 305/1996).
b. the works to be carried out present risks.
c. the prior notification of the technical project is required [par. 12, Art. 3, PD 305/1996].
The Health and Safety Plan is an integral part of the documentation submitted in accordance with the applicable provisions for the issuance of the Building Permit of the project, as required.
What is included in the HSP -the Health and Safety Plan?
The HSP is prepared by the contractor of the entire project or if this is not existing as such then by the owner of the project. The HSP specifies the rules applicable to the worksite, taking account of the activities at the site and other issues. Indicatively are named the access to the construction worksite, the traffic of pedestrians and vehicles within it, the secure access to the workplaces, the analysis of the construction plan and of the working methods in phases, the determination of storage areas and the conditions for the collection of hazardous and waste materials, the arrangement of the sanitary amenities, the catering and First Aid facilities, the scaffolding construction plan, etc.
The law
The PD. 305/1996 (“Minimum safety and health requirements to be applied to temporary or mobile construction sites in compliance with Directive 92/57 / EEC“) in its Article 3, paragraph 3 states that: “Prior to the commencement of work on the site the contractor of the entire project and if not exists, the owner of the project, accomplishes the development of a Safety and Health Plan and the preparation of a Safety and Health File”.
Drafting of the HSP by GEP
The GEP undertakes the development of the Health and Safety Plan for all categories of Construction and Industrial Projects.