Factors Measurement
Measurement of factors in the work environment is an important criterion for taking measures to prevent and address the risks created, so to protect employees. In addition, measurements of factors are a fundamental obligation to the employer and the company should record the results in a factors’ special ledger.
What is included in the measurements of factors?
The factors for which specific measurements are taken to ensure a healthy working environment, are categorized into physical, chemical and biological.
Noise, Microclimate, Lighting, Ventilation, Vibrations, Inhalable and Breathable Dust
Suspended particles, Gaseous pollutants, Solvents, Heavy Metal Powder, V.O.C.’s (Volatile Organic Compounds), Asbestos fibers
Viruses, fungi, parasites, bacteria
Further to the above measurements in the work environment, GEP conducts also, where appropriate, a wide range of other specialized measurements, namely:
- Environmental measurements (eg noise, air quality, waste analysis)
- Electrical grounding (earthing) measurements
- Water quality analyzes
* To carry out specific chemical and biological measurements, we collaborate with a laboratory of chemical and microbiological analyzes certified according to ISO 17025.
The methodology
The following procedure is used to promote the healthy environmental conditions in the workplace:
- Detection of physical, chemical and biological agents in the workplace that can harm workers’ health.
- Taking of measurements for the identified factors, with calibrated equipment and legally documented and/or internationally recognized methods.
- Drafting a Report in which the results of the measurements are compared to the authorized limits, including a Proposal about the technical or organizational measures to address the impacts that the factors measured may have to the Health & Safety of employees.
The law
Performing physical, chemical and biological measurements other than a fundamental obligation to the employer according to the Law 3850/2010 (Article 37) is an essential criterion for taking measures to prevent and cope with the corresponding risks.
Pursuant to Law 3850/2010 “Ratification of the Code of Health and Safety Law for Workers”, Article 37, the employer must be aware of the risks created to the workers’ health, by the factors which are present being used or created in the workplace.
A “factor”, based on Law 3850/2010, Article 36, is defined as any physical, chemical and biological factor which is present at work and may be harmful to the health of workers or dangerous in every respect, regardless of its physical condition.
According to Article 38 of the same Law, the employer should measure the concentration or intensity of the factors in the workplace and the exposure levels of the workers, before starting the operation of the equipment or installations, and at regular intervals during their operation.
Measurement of factors by GEP
GEP has a specialized and staffed by scientists, department for the measurement of factors, who implement the measurements with the appropriate portable equipment and based on the measurement methods according to the Greek legislation and the international standards.
The equipment used by GEP is accredited and calibrated for its good functioning.