Construction & Technical Companies
Managing Occupational Health and Safety in Construction and Technical Works (temporary and mobile construction sites) requires compliance with Directive 92/57/EEC. Simultaneously it necessitates special know-how on occupational health and safety, mainly due to the complexity of the work, the subjects tangled and the various methods followed by the Construction and Technical Companies.
The specificities of Technical Works are identified not only in terms of the nature of the hazards and the magnitude of the risk, but also of the equipment, tools and machinery used and of the projcts’ staffing (eg subcontractors, self-employed, etc.)
The development of the Health and Safety Plans (HSP) and the Safety and Health Files (FSH) and the appointment of Health & Safety Coordinators are key actions to comply with legislation. GEP is the excellent partner of the Construction and Technical Companies due to its long experience in the field and its participation in the largest construction projects in the country, public and private.